Assertive Communication: Balancing Clarity, Confidence, and Kindness - Ahulan

Assertive Communication: Balancing Clarity, Confidence, and Kindness


Effective communication is a key aspect of successful teamwork and collaboration. It allows team members to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns in a clear and respectful manner. However, finding the right balance between being assertive and considerate can be challenging. Assertive communication is a compromise that allows individuals to express their viewpoints while respecting others’ feelings and opinions.

When you communicate assertively, you are straightforward and explicit in your communication. This straightforwardness is balanced with civility and consideration for others. The middle ground between passive and aggressive communication, assertive communication strikes a balance that promotes open dialogue and mutual respect among team members.

Imagine a scenario where your teammate is late in submitting an essential report. How would you respond? The way you communicate in this situation can have a significant impact on the outcome. Here are different response types:


Passive: “Did you have enough time to finish your report? If not, I can work around it.”
Assertive: “Your report section is late. I’m worried since we need to finish and deliver this to the leadership team by Thursday. What time and date will it be finished?”
Aggressive: “You’re late with this report and delaying the project. It’s intolerable that you consistently do this.”

While aggressive communication may seem direct and effective, it can also lead to resentment and strained relationships within the team. On the other hand, passive communication may avoid conflict but can also result in misunderstandings and unaddressed issues. Assertive communication strikes a balance by addressing the problem directly while maintaining respect and consideration for the other person.


Understanding the three Cs of assertive communication – clarity, confidence, and consideration – is essential for navigating this communication tightrope. Being clear in expressing your thoughts, speaking and behaving confidently, and showing empathy and respect towards others are key components of assertive communication.

One of the main advantages of assertive communication is that it promotes open discourse and psychological safety within the team. When team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or reprisal, it creates a culture of trust and collaboration. Additionally, assertive communication can help in conflict resolution by providing a clear and direct approach to problem-solving.

However, assertive communication may not come naturally to everyone. Women, in particular, may face challenges in adopting a more assertive communication style due to gender biases in the workplace. Research has shown that women receive more criticism for assertive behaviors compared to men, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and accepting approach to communication in the workplace.

To become a more assertive communicator, it is important to start by understanding your own thoughts and feelings and expressing them clearly. Using “I” statements instead of accusatory language can help to convey your message without causing offense. Paying attention to your body language and emotional intelligence can also enhance your assertive communication skills and help you navigate difficult conversations effectively.

In conclusion, assertive communication is a valuable skill that can improve teamwork, collaboration, and conflict resolution within a team. By finding the right balance between clarity, confidence, and consideration, individuals can express their thoughts and feelings effectively while maintaining respect for others. Practicing assertive communication in your interactions can lead to stronger relationships, improved communication, and a more positive team dynamic.

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