Pavel Durov made a groundbreaking announcement on Monday regarding the financial health of Telegram, the popular messaging application he founded. Durov revealed that Telegram has reached a significant milestone by becoming profitable. This is a major achievement for the company, considering the fierce competition in the messaging app market.
According to Durov, Telegram has recorded an impressive aggregate revenue of over $1 billion in 2024. This substantial revenue growth demonstrates the growing popularity and success of the platform. With 12 million paid subscribers signing up for its premium subscription service since its launch in 2022, Telegram has been able to generate a steady stream of income.
In addition to its impressive revenue figures, Telegram has also managed to build up a substantial financial reserve of over $500 million by the end of the year, excluding its crypto assets. This financial stability is a testament to the sound business strategies implemented by Durov and his team.
One of the key achievements highlighted by Durov is the company’s successful repayment of a significant portion of its debt bonds this autumn. Over the past four years, Telegram has issued approximately $2 billion in debt to support its growth and expansion. By taking advantage of favorable pricing conditions in the bond market, Telegram was able to reduce its debt burden substantially. Despite this positive development, Durov emphasized that there is still much work to be done in terms of financial restructuring and long-term planning.
In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Durov shared his vision for Telegram’s future, including plans to take the company public and achieve profitability by 2025. Going public would not only provide additional funding for Telegram’s growth but also offer investors an opportunity to be part of the company’s success story.
Telegram has been actively diversifying its revenue streams by introducing features for businesses, launching an ad revenue sharing service, enabling creators to monetize their content through paid channels, and unveiling a micro app store. These initiatives have helped Telegram attract a growing user base of over 950 million monthly active users.
The success story of Telegram under Pavel Durov’s leadership highlights the potential for innovation and growth in the tech industry. As one of the leading messaging apps globally, Telegram continues to set new benchmarks for user engagement, revenue generation, and financial stability. With a clear vision for the future and a commitment to delivering value to its users, Telegram is well-positioned to capitalize on its momentum and achieve even greater success in the years to come.